- B-A-G-G-I-N-S
2 - What kind of experience do you have?
- I have two years as telemarketer.
3- What did you study in University?
- I studyed education.
4- Do you have any special skills?
- I don`t have special skills.
5- What are your good points and bad points?
- I´am sometimes rude but I speak well, good looking.
Job Types
1- What company do you represent?
- I represent red fish farm.
2- What kind of job do you offer?
- We are offering a post for a fish farms.
3- How much does the job pay?
- The job pays $ 16.oo an hour.
4- Where is it located?.
- On an Island.
5- Do you offer any benefits?
- We are offering free fish/ housing.
6- Is there any chance for a promotion or a raise?
- None.